Microsoft Teams MSI Installer - How to exclude Microsoft Teams from new installations of Microsoft 365 Apps

Microsoft Teams MSI Installer - How to exclude Microsoft Teams from new installations of Microsoft 365 Apps

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Microsoft teams msi package. Microsoft MSI Installers now available for Microsoft Teams 



Get clients for Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.Microsoft MSI Installers now available for Microsoft Teams - Tom Talks


You can also use PowerShell to remove Teams as shown in this script sample. Teams is also being added to existing installations of Microsoft Apps on devices running Windows as part of the normal update process. There is no change to existing installations of Mac. Whether Teams gets added to an existing installation of Microsoft Apps is determined by what version is installed, what version you're updating to, and some other factors.

Version that was released in Current Channel in July is the first version that started including Teams as part of the update process. But not all devices updating to Version or later have received Teams as part of the update process because the rollout has been a gradual process over several months. So if you've updated a device to the latest version of Microsoft Apps, but Teams hasn't been installed, that is probably expected and not necessarily an error.

It's likely a future update will install Teams. If you're updating your existing installation of Microsoft Apps to Version Build To complete the installation of Teams after the update, either restart the device or have the user log off and log back on. The date when Teams can start being added to existing installations of Microsoft Apps depends on which update channel you're using. If you don't want Teams to be added to existing installations of Microsoft Apps when you update to a newer version, you can use Group Policy or the Office Deployment Tool.

Or, as an alternative, you can let Teams be added, but use Group Policy to prevent Teams from automatically starting when the user signs in to the device. The following is a configuration. Also, in some situations, doing an Online Repair results in Teams being installed. For example, if Microsoft Apps is configured to get updates from the Office Content Delivery Network CDN and the update channel or version you're using includes Teams as part of the installation.

If your organization isn't ready to deploy Teams and you use Group Policy, you can enable the Don't install Microsoft Teams with new installations or updates of Office policy setting.

If you enable this policy setting, Teams won't be installed in the following scenarios for Version or later:. If you want Teams to be installed, but don't want Teams to start automatically for the user after it's installed, you can use Group Policy and enable the Prevent Microsoft Teams from starting automatically after installation policy setting.

By enabling this policy setting before Teams is installed , Teams won't start automatically when the user logs in to the device. Once a user signs in to Teams for the first time, Teams is configured to start automatically the next time the user logs into the device. The user can configure Teams to not start automatically by configuring user settings within Teams or by clearing the Open Teams on startup check box on the sign in screen for Teams.

If you've already installed Teams but you want to use this policy setting to prevent Teams from starting automatically, enable this policy setting and then run this script on a per-user basis to reset the autostart setting for Teams.

But even if you enable this policy setting so that Teams doesn't start automatically, an icon for Microsoft Teams will appear on the user's desktop. If devices in your organization are shared by multiple users, be aware that Teams is installed separately for each user that signs into that device.

Installations of Teams average about mb, so hard disk space, as well network bandwidth for updates, might become an issue for these shared devices installed with Teams. In cases where shared devices are used by a significant number of users, you might want to consider not installing Teams on those shared devices.

Your message has been sent, please check your device shortly. Your message has been sent, please check your email shortly. We're sorry, an error occurred while sending your message. Please try again shortly. Please enter a valid digit phone number. Format: or email address. That email address is not valid. Please enter your email address in valid format such as name example.

How your phone number or email address is used. I can't speak for Eric, but for myself, it was to give back to the community that helped me when I was a wee young sysadmin running exchange I understand the frustration of working with VDI servers and clients myself having been dealing with it since Lync My understanding is one of the main reasons the placeholder is on a specific version is because of the Office rollout strategy.

With that version being the "safest" version to deploy regardless of tenant status and VDI plugin build. None of which can be determined by a simple URL redirect. Despite flags being set to remove features some weirdness still occurs. Your best bet then is going to be determining the build number based on an SOE machine in your environment, then downloading that version using the links Eric advised before. As I hinted to before. Which obviously won't work in a packaged VDI image. Edit: Spelling mistake.

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Microsoft teams msi package. Get clients for Microsoft Teams

  PowerShell 5. In this article. This will mainly be used for customers running software distribution products like System Center Configuration Manager.    


Microsoft teams msi package -


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Want to install Teams on your PC, Mac, or mobile device? Check out Install the Teams client. Microsoft Teams can be installed on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices, and can also be accessed via a web browser.

Most end users can start using Teams just by installing the client themselves. After they install the Teams client, all they need to do is log in with their username and password. If you're an IT Pro and want to know more about the Teams installation experience and its requirements, select a client operating system in this article for more information.

For details about each client's capabilities on different platforms, see Teams features by platform. The Teams desktop client is available as a standalone application and as part of Microsoft Apps for enterprise for the following operating systems:. Admin permissions aren't required to install the Teams client on Windows PCs but are required on Macs.

IT Pros can choose their preferred method to distribute the installation files to computers in their organization. For more information about distributing Teams, see the following. Distribution of the client via these mechanisms is only for the initial installation of Teams clients and not for future updates.

For information about the Teams update process, see Teams update process. Watch the following session to learn about the benefits of the Windows Desktop Client, how to plan for it, and how to deploy it: Teams Windows Desktop Client. The x86 architecture bit vs. We recommend the bit version of Teams on bit systems. Teams requires.

NET Framework 4. NET Framework or later isn't installed the Teams installer will offer to install for you. The Windows client leverages the following locations:. When users initiate a call using the Teams client for the first time, they might notice a warning with the Windows firewall settings that asks for users to allow communication.

Users might be instructed to ignore this message because the call will work, even when the warning is dismissed. Two inbound rules for teams. If you want to prevent Teams from prompting users to create firewall rules when the users make their first call from Teams, use the PowerShell script in Sample script - Microsoft Teams firewall PowerShell script.

Administrative access is required to install the Mac client. During the installation, the PKG will prompt for admin credentials. The user needs to enter the admin credentials, regardless of whether or not the user is an admin.

IT Pros can use a managed deployment solution, such as Jamf Pro, to distribute the Teams installation files to all Macs in their organization.

On Linux, package managers such as apt and yum will try to install any requirements for you. However, if they don't then you will need to install any reported requirements before installing Teams on Linux. Users will be able to install native Linux packages in.

The signing key to enable auto-updating using the system's package manager is installed automatically. Teams ships monthly and if the repository was installed correctly, then your system package manager should handle auto-updating in the same way as other packages on the system.

The Teams mobile apps are available for Android and iOS, and are geared for on-the-go users participating in chat-based conversations and allow peer-to-peer audio calls.

Android : Support is limited to the last four major versions of Android. When a new major version of Android is released, the new version and the previous three versions are officially supported. When a new major version of iOS is released, the new version of iOS and the previous version are officially supported. Distribution of the mobile apps via MDM or side-loading is not supported by Microsoft.

Once the mobile app has been installed on a supported mobile platform, the Teams Mobile App itself will be supported provided the version is within three months of the current release. The browser client supports Calling and Meetings by using webRTC, so there is no plug-in or download required to run Teams in a browser. The browser must be configured to allow third-party cookies.

Teams fully supports the following Internet browsers, with noted exceptions for calling and meetings. This table applies to operating systems running on desktop computers. Control isn't supported when either party is running Teams in a browser. This is due to a technical limitation that we're planning to fix. This feature is only available in the Teams desktop client. For example, running Firefox on the Linux operating system is an option for using Teams.

On mobile devices we recommend that you use the Teams app. The Teams app is available from the Android and iOS stores. If an unsupported browser version is detected, it will block access to the browser interface and recommend that the user download the desktop client or mobile app.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents.

Note Distribution of the client via these mechanisms is only for the initial installation of Teams clients and not for future updates. Note During the installation, the PKG will prompt for admin credentials. Note The mobile version must be available to the public in order for Teams to work as expected.

Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. Meetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. Video: Not supported Sharing: Incoming sharing only no outgoing Microsoft apps and services will not support Internet Explorer 11 starting August 17, Microsoft Teams will not support Internet Explorer 11 earlier, starting November 30, Learn more.

Please note that Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed. Fully supported Sharing is supported without any plug-ins or extensions on Chrome version 72 or later.

Group calls fully supported. Video: Fully supported Sharing: Fully supported. Group calls supported with full audio support.

Video: Incoming only Sharing: Fully supported. Meetings are supported with full audio support. Video: Not supported Sharing: Incoming sharing only no outgoing Note that users are required to have the OpenH plugin in Firefox for full support. Browsers without this plugin may see disruptions in the meeting, including in screen sharing activity. Learn more at Mozilla Firefox Support. Video: Not supported Sharing: Incoming sharing only no outgoing Safari is enabled on versions higher than While in preview, there are known issues with Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention.


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